Healthy dealing with the work and information overload via new media
Nonstop global: We are available everywhere all the time. Digitizations, working with platforms, just-in-time knowledge become a reality in the World-of-Work 4.0.
The amount of information and the number of Information channels are continuously increasing. At the same time, the location- and time-independent availability of information and people is increasing.
Dealing with information confidently is one of the key qualifications of the future and dealing in the team with information is increasingly becoming a success factor in the digital World of Work.
Your Benefits
You will learn techniques and methods to deal with information:
- Use chanels of information more efficiantly
- Reflect on the way you handle information
- Create awarness for the world of information and concentrate on the essential
- Make decisions for and against the priority of information
- Preserve your work strength and health
Some of the contents:
- Analysis of your information needs
- Definition of appropriate information sources
- Learning type test
- Reading strategy: Systematically read and retain more
- Making good decisions: Intuition and ratio
- Your decision-making strategy!
- More calmness in dealing with ignorance
You want to know more? We are happy to call you back:
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